Our Story
Hello! My name is Stacey Sparks-Huff and alongside my son, Avery, we created Mr. Crumbles’ Cookie-Doubles.
Mr. Crumbles' Delectables started as a hobby in early 2021. It was during covid and mom had just passed away very suddenly. I was absolutely DEVASTATED and I honestly thought that I would never stop grieving. I fell into a deep depression so My husband encouraged me to start baking to help me heal. Reluctantly, I took his advice and started baking and I started to feel like my old self again. Well, to my surprise, it quickly turned into an unexpected business!
I love to create plant-based recipes and I would bake a lot around the house. My husband would take our baked goods to work with him to share, and people started placing orders weekly.
That led Avery and I to start selling plant-based baked goods at the local markets and we always sold out every weekend, but our Oatmeal Cream Pies and Cookie-Doubles stole the show. People would email me in the middle of the night asking for some of those Oatmeal Cream Pies haha. So, with that being said, we decided to turn our cookies into a business!
We started our first-year private labeling/supplying local restaurants and cafes but soon grocery and retail stores wanted them too.
So here we are, and we are so thankful to be building this family business together and the journey it's giving us.

Our promise to our beloved customers is that each and every single order is made not only with the finest ingredients but also made with love. It’s always a joy when we turn our customers into friends. We always stand behind our product and promise that our cookie-doubles will arrive to you fresh and delicious or we will replace your order, no questions asked. That’s the Mr. Crumbles’ Guarantee.